

A brand refresh and refined online user experience for skilled wine curators MDCV UK

Project overview

As a business, MDCV UK strives for innovation and uses cutting-edge techniques in their vineyards and winemaking. Their main objective was to rename and update their brand presence, bringing their visual identity, tone of voice and all consumer facing touch points in line with their key demographic.


Brand strategy
Visual identity
Content creation

Wine bottles and stamps

The Wine Caverns was born.

  • To begin the rebranding process, we conducted extensive research and analysis to identify a detailed understanding of the key challenges, opportunities and areas of focus for MDCV UK.

    The key findings included:

    Perception of the previous brand as outdated and lacking visual appeal.

    Desire to appeal to a younger demographic interested in wine.

    Need for a brand identity that reflects the unique experience and high-quality wines offered.

  • Based on the research findings, we defined the following strategic objectives for the rebranding process:

    Rename MDCV UK to better reflect the brand as a global, consumer facing wine retailer.

    Create a visually appealing brand aesthetic that reflects the unique wine experience offered by MDCV UK.

    Appeal to a younger demographic while maintaining the interest of existing customers.

    Establish a cohesive brand identity across all touchpoints, including the website, social media platforms, and digital campaigns.

The Wine Caverns stylescape route 1
  • Built upon a collaborative approach, we developed a new brand identity that aligned with the strategic objectives. The process involved the following steps:

    Brand Positioning: Clarifying MDCV UK’s unique value proposition and target audience.

    Brand Naming: Choosing a new name, "The Wine Caverns," evoking a sense of mystery and exclusivity.

    Visual Identity: Developing a visually appealing logo that combines modern elegance and the age old traditions of a wine cave.

    Colour Palette and Typography: Selecting a sophisticated colour palette and typography that resonates with the target audience.

  • To introduce the rebrand across the website, we worked to the following phases:

    User Experience Analysis: Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the website's user experience to identify areas for improvement.

    Wireframing and Prototyping: Creating wireframes and interactive prototypes to visualise the new website design.

    Responsive Design: Ensuring the website's responsiveness across various devices, such as desktops, tablets, and mobile.

    Visual Redesign: Incorporating the new visual style across the website, including the new logo, colour palette, typography and imagery treatment.

    Content Migration: Transferring existing content and updating it to align with the new brand style.

    User Testing: Conducting usability testing to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments prior to the website launch.

  • To roll out the rebrand across social media platforms and digital campaigns, we produced the following:

    Social Media Profile Updates: Updating profile pictures, cover photos, and bio sections to reflect the new brand identity.

    Content Creation: Developing visually appealing and engaging content that aligns with the new brand aesthetic.

    Paid Advertising: Running targeted digital campaigns across various platforms to generate brand visibility and drive traffic to the website.

    Email Marketing: Creating email campaigns to inform existing customers about the rebrand and offer exclusive promotions and discounts.


Offline Advertising