

Awareness campaign to increase the uptake of childhood vaccinations in Cardiff and Vale.

Project overview

Develop a creative style for a bi-lingual media campaign aimed at promoting the uptake of child immunisations in Cardiff and Vale. The goal was to create an engaging campaign that would drive awareness around the importance of immunisations.


Campaign Creative
Campaign Design Rollout

  • I thoroughly reviewed the client brief to understand the target audiences, key messages, aims, and background information. Additional research involved:

    Reviewing the client's existing campaigns and branding to understand their visual style, tone of voice, and key messages. This helped align the creative approach.

    Researching immunisation rates, attitudes, and barriers specific to the Cardiff and Vale area through available data and reports. This revealed uptake issues in areas of deprivation and certain ethnic groups.

    Competitor analysis of other immunisation campaigns to analyse their creative approaches, messaging and results.

    Audit of the media landscape and preferred communications channels of our target audiences, especially parents and young people.

  • With research complete, we ideated strong creative concepts that would appeal to our audiences and deliver the campaign objectives.

    Visual Style:

    Bright, engaging and vibrant to grab attention, counteracting negative associations with vaccines.

    Friendly imagery and natural textures to appeal to parents and young people.

    Aligns with Public Health Wales' existing style for consistency.


    Lead with positive emotional benefits of immunisation - protecting children's health and wellbeing.

    Address common concerns and myths with simple factual counter-messages.

    Use inclusive language and imagery reflecting diverse families and communities.

    I explored different concepts with mood boards and initial sketches before presenting a creative route to the client for feedback.

  • Taking the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board teams feedback into account, we further refined the concept that resonated most.

    Visual Style:

    Tweak to the colour palette.

    Positive imagery and language to engage parents and young people in the locality.


    Split the bi-lingual messaging to target parents and young people directly.

    Supporting messages emphasise safety, convenience and inclusion.

    Myth-busting facts presented conversationally.

  • The campaign reached 66,904 people across Facebook, Google, Snapchat and Spotify.

    ● The ads were served 404,094 times across Facebook, Google, Snapchat and Spotify.

    ● 2,550 people clicked through to the website for more information.

    ● Google Search generated the strongest click through rate with 9.59%

    ● Snapchat reached the largest number of people.

    ● Snapchat generated the largest number of clicks.


Gee Comms


Carers Recruitment Campaign